
whenever I finish a book I will try to post a review about it
I hope by this I will keep a record of what I read and give others additional review of what the book is about. I will try to be objective but these reviews represents me and my taste and doesn't necessary mean the book is good or bad.

Al Mutanabi said it once and well he described it: (sorry for the loose translation)

وخير جليسٍ في الزمانِ كتابُ
The best companion to sit with in this time; a book. 

But before I start posting I would like to write some personal tips for books and reading

1- Ask yourself what do I want to get from a book?

There are many reasons to read and many more advantages to get. Whether its an entertainment or self building you're seeking; finding your goal will help you a lot through your search for a new book and you will not be intimidated by boredom through the reading journey.

2- Ask a friend for a recommendation

Reading books can be so enjoyable with partners ! if you can find those who share the same love for the kind of books you like; they can be a great help in finding what is best out there. And even if you want to try new types, ask instead of wondering in this new area alone. Two minds are definitely better than one.

3- Read the summary on the back 

I always check the summary in the back it gives you what this book about most of the time. It surely helps a lot when you want to pick an interesting story to read if the topic was interesting to you then that's the book to go for. In the case of ambiguous summaries I recommend reading online reviews or scan the first few pages of the book to check the style of writing, the easiness of vocabulary and the head topics inside.

4- Search lists of best sellers from the genre you like

When there is totally nothing on your mind for the next book, checking ratings and top books lists will sure come in hand ! I do this every time I'm bored of reading what I have. Most of the time you get great books out of it and skim those who are not worth reading. Remember the more reviews a book gain the more interesting it is even if those reviews were an equal mixture of positive and negative opinions.

5- Search for libraries, exhibitions, clubs, exchange fairs for new books

Don't always stick to buying new books from bookstores! try to find good offers when it comes to books. Some book exhibitions held annually are great to browse a whole new collection of books. Book clubs can be a wonderful chance of bonding with readers like you, get encouraged to read more or borrow books for free. Not to forget considering the cheap used books if available. In Korea I stepped into a secondhand bookstore where they sold many great books in good condition for low price. 

For example a 4-5 series of Manga for around 9AED = 2.45USD !! Luckily the idea is being adopted here in UAE and hopefully soon enough we will be have huge secondhand stores to push people to read without paying so much money.

First secondhand book store in Al Ain

6- Don't buy too many books

YES ! if you know you are still new to reading or you are very busy to read just stop yourself from buying more! 2-3 new books are fine so you can shift between them but more than that will only leave you feeling lost on when to start or what to start with. Moderation is the solution.

7- Follow good healthy habit while reading 

 Our eye sight is an irreplaceable gift we shouldn't abuse. Read in good lighting environment, take breaks from time to time and careful with your back while sitting for long hours. If you abandon your health it will be hard for you to read in future

8- spread the knowledge and enjoyment :)

 gift your friends a good book every once in a while or get the best out of the book and share it over a cup of coffee as a useful conversation stirrer 

Enjoy reading~

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